Yes. The truth is our clue to finding out where we are. Every mission to a chosen new location, needs a point of origin in order to map the trajectory properly. My problem has often been that I stay focused for far too long on the point of origin, and even the past, (things that got me here) believing that if I study it enough, this will automatically bring me to the new location I am seeking. It never has worked out this way for me. I always had to let go of where I am, (or have been) in order to focus on where I am going to next. This letting go (even after years of studying the past and how it's harmed us, i.e., "where we are now") is not always easy.

Looking forward is the unknown, the unknowable. And that's scary.

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Truth is what I focus on the most. Have to know the truth in order to proceed and know the way to begin with, to know why we need to move on and not repeat the past. Then forge new paths. As long as we keep moving forward , it's not always easy but we can get answers from God and the Universe of how to proceed. We are not alone in this. I appreciate your comments. Thank you. This is my opinion anyway. Have a good 4th of July. 🧨🎆

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Thank you! Our past is truth. However, it is not the truth of our tomorrow. We are made in the image of God. And what is God if not a creator?

We can create new truths for our futures.

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Yes of course. Some people haven't healed from the past or understand what happened to them. Right tomorrows truth will find its own path and we can get help from God to forge and create the new path that we Invision.

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Understanding how we got here, helps us understand where we are. And if therein, we can locate the true source of what ails us, this data is of imperative value - lest we go on trying to treat mere symptoms and never the cause.

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Just fix ourselves. Let others fix themselves.

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Yeah. Get the log out of our own eye first;-)

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